Paddling his own canoe: for Dane

The Alliance saw more movement – for the word had passed around

That the colt from in our midst had paddled off

To join the Health Department – with his pay a thousand pound –

Enough to satisfy most any Toff


He got up every morning in the cruel winter frost

All rigged out in his gold and in his green

And only he knew secretly the trouble and the cost:

His sorest point remained below unseen


He paddled hard with Russians and he met them stroke for stroke

In countries to the east and to the west

And Canada was where he went with hardened motley blokes

To put their training to the final test


The tried and noted paddlers from their clubs both near and far

Had gathered at the jetty overnight,

For the boatmen love the challenge where the coldest waters are

The competition starts with great delight.


Our muscled Dane was off the grog for many endless days

And ate up porridge oats and lots of gruel

To see him pine for beer and wine was tough enough I’d say

But think of his sore backside: seems so cruel


His paddle-ing was paralleled by toils with us at work

On mental health and PHNs and such

He’d come at nine and work til five and never ever shirk

His humour pleased us all so very much.


With Helen first he toiled away and was by duty bound

They jointly shaped up policies and stuff

When Helen left he seemed bereft and obviously found

The work on Fact Sheets was a little tough.


With Anne-Marie he formed a bond – his wit and wisdom grew

Their vigour never ever seemed to flag

But once again his partner went, and when we made a brew

We fell back from tea-leaves to use tea-bag


Then Andrew with his tested figures came to lend a hand,

No stats man ever made of him an ass;

For never puzzle threw him while his formulae did stand

He came with numbers strong from Sassafras


Fiona then did join him and she leapt into the fray

She valued him as much as any chum

She’ll miss him in the pod they share when he has gone away –

We hope he finds a new de facto mum


He’s hard and tough and wiry – just the sort that won’t say die –

Recall the many funnies that he’s said;

He bears the badge of fitness in his enigmatic eye,

His witty words can often knock one dead.


And down by Burley Griffin, where the pine-clad ridges raise

Their torn and rugged battlements on high,

Where the air is clear as crystal, and the white stars fairly blaze

At midnight in the cold and frosty sky,


Just near the Murrumbidgee where the reed beds sweep and sway

In breezes and the stunted trees are clipped,

The man who paddles his canoe’s a household word today,

This doggerel tells the story of his trip


As he strokes into the sunset with his yet untested crew

We’ll toast him once and toast him once again.

His sore bit’s healed – that’s such relief – his bottom is like new –

We’re one seat down: farewell our paddling Dane.