Unpicking the history and politics of drought policy in Australia

Rural health advocate Gordon Gregory is kicking off a two-part series about the way drought policy is conceived and handled in Australia, and how the current drought in NSW and Queensland rapidly became a high-profile matter.In many areas of public policy, such as health, disability and aged care, he says governments are often accused of putting cost minimisation before genuine concern for some of their most needy citizens.

This cannot be said of governments’ response to drought support once evidence of the human cost is in the public eye, Gregory says. The question is whether ad hoc responses to human (and animal) suffering would not be better within a settled, planned approach to rainfall variations.

In the article below, Gregory describes the history of drought policy since 1971, and argues that “a rigorous and rational approach to national drought policy” remains illusory.

Given the impact of climate change on weather patterns, the challenge of agreeing on a rational policy for drought has become even greater, he says.

Gordon Gregory writes:

Drought has pervasive and deleterious impacts on the health of individuals, families, communities and even whole regions – as well as potentially serious ecological effects.

Its management is therefore an important issue for the health sector, in environmental management, and for the planning of physical infrastructure.

Given its importance, some people may be surprised to learn that the declaration of drought in a particular area of Australia is not the result of measurement against objective criteria such as weeks without rain, soil moisture or river flows.

Instead, drought declarations have been and continue to be made by governments (or ministers, in the case of ‘Exceptional Circumstances’) on the basis of a subjective assessment that there is insufficient grazing or water available to sustain sheep or cattle and that stock therefore have to be moved, hand fed and/or watered.

(Current arrangements for early withdrawal of Farm Management Deposits, or FMD, do actually include one objective criterion, being that “an area of your primary production property has been affected by rainfall for that six-month period within the lowest five percent of recorded rainfall for the property”. There is a FMD rainfall analyser on the Bureau of Meteorology website.)

In NSW and Queensland, drought declarations are made on the basis of local government areas or Pastures Protection Board districts. This makes it possible to say, for instance, that “60 per cent of Queensland was drought-declared in 2013”. Awkward boundary issues arise from such an approach, with adjoining properties somewhere bound to be treated differently.

So the status of a particular area with respect to drought is subject to two things: one, the observed situation relating to pasture and crop growth, river and creek flows, on-farm water storages and soil moisture; and two, politics. This article focuses on the second of these.

Organisations working for a particular cause within Australia’s government system or civil society are often judged by the extent to which they succeed in getting their cause or issue onto the political agenda.

Lessons can perhaps be drawn for this challenge from what has happened over the last eight weeks in Australia with respect to drought. Despite below-average rainfall for up to seven years in some areas of New South Wales and Queensland, in May 2018 there was scarcely a whisper about drought.

Now, in the first half of August, there is wall-to-wall coverage of ‘The Big Dry’.

How did this happen? What role did farmers, politicians and the media play in getting support for drought assistance measures this time around? Are things being learned for future management of dry conditions? Has the situation been reflected accurately or has there been exaggeration?

First, some history

On Thursday 14 February 1991, Toowoomba’s City Hall was the venue for day one of the first National Rural Health Conference. What began there on that day has resulted in Toowoomba being seen by many people as the spiritual home of Australia’s rural and remote health sector.

Coincidentally, almost exactly 27 years later, on 1 February 2018, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull gave his first major speech of the year in Toowoomba’s Empire Theatre Hall.

Described as a Keynote Address, the Prime Minister talked about Australian values, Government achievements, the economy, innovation, infrastructure, energy prices, health and education funding, free trade agreements, Enterprise Tax Plan, income tax, wages growth and the Budget.

The Prime Minister’s speech was setting the agenda for the new calendar year.

It made no reference to drought or rainfall.

It is often said that, at any given moment, there is a drought somewhere in Australia. The (happy) corollary of this is that it is very rare for the whole country to be in drought at the same time.

There have been numerous reviews and inquiries into drought policy and how it should be handled by Commonwealth and State/Territory Governments: from John Lovett’s of 1973; to James Balderstone’s of 1982; Peter McInnes’s of 1990; that of Linda Botterill and Melanie Fisher of 2003; and the Productivity Commission’s of 2009.

The overall conclusion of the McInnes Report was timeless and typical:

– the Commonwealth Government, in conjunction with State and Territory Governments, should implement a national drought policy as a matter of urgency.”

Why has this not happened?

The challenge for a potential National Drought Policy was, and remains, to balance production efficiency and welfare. It is almost impossible to separate the two. The very existence of drought support, or the mere expectation of it, affects farmers’ planning decisions before, during and after droughts.

Drought policies need to be consistent with national rural adjustment and environmental objectives. Ideally they need to give consideration to issues as diverse as social welfare, maintenance of the livestock gene pool, land management, animal welfare and infrastructure planning.

The situation has become even more difficult because of the greater dynamism and uncertainty given to rainfall patterns by global changes in climate.

From 1971-1989 drought support was provided under the Natural Disaster Relief Arrangements (NDRA). Sometimes Nature liked to highlight the irony of the different purposes of the NDRA, as in April 1988 when the Commonwealth was funding 75 percent of both drought and flood relief for Queensland!

In their (Constitutionally-given) drought declaration duties, each State has had its own criteria. But given the arrangement for the Commonwealth to start funding support once the State has reached a specified level of expenditure, there is always a financial incentive for the States “to declare quickly and revoke slowly”.

The general approach has been to declare the existence of drought in a particular area on the basis of an assessment that there is insufficient grazing or water available to sustain sheep or cattle and that stock therefore have to be moved, hand fed and/or watered.

These judgments are easier to make with reference to pastoral industries than to cropping. With the latter, judgments are even more difficult because of the impact of future rainfall on what might be seeded and what might in future be produced and harvested.

In NSW and Queensland, drought declarations have been made on the basis of local government areas or, in NSW, by Pastures Protection Board districts. This ‘lines on the map’ approach is the basis for statements such as “60 per cent of Queensland was drought-declared in 2013”. However, as with all such geographic matters, boundary issues arise, with some adjoining properties bound to be treated differently.

Politics at play

The inherently political nature of drought declaration runs counter to a rational approach. It has long been recognised that drought policy should include measures to encourage preparation by individual farmers, catchment authorities, and governments – in the case of the last, if for nothing else, for the planning and management of water infrastructure.

In his definitive record of his time as Minister for Primary Industries and Energy, John Kerin has written:

… no rigorous economic approach, based on risk management, could ever be politically maintained, once intense and long droughts started to bite and once the media highlighted dead and starving stock, withered crops, rural unemployment, bankrupt farmers and graziers and destitute families… droughts highlight the problem of trying to reconcile efficiency and welfare considerations, which inevitably becomes a political question.”

The current drought’s emergence into the public consciousness and the consequent actions by Commonwealth and State Governments have again illustrated the political aspects of the issue.

There are regular ‘hand on heart’ agreements that rationalist or ‘strategic’ approaches need to be taken to planning for dry times and treating drought as a manageable risk, and plenty of valuable but underutilised intellectual capital has been invested in the matter (as per this article, Using adaptive governance to rethink the way science supports Australian drought policy).

But then, at a certain point in the cycle, comes the emotion and the related politics. And because the Commonwealth has a long history of coming to the party to back up the States, it is impossible for them to resist the option of such things as interest rate subsidies, carry-on loans and support for freighting feed, water and stock.

A related and recurring issue is whether there should be support for the small businesses, economies and employment of country towns affected by drought and, if so, the means by which it should be provided. Usually this has been put in the too-hard basket until the drought is over; when it is no longer seen as an issue.

(The impact of drought on rural communities was described in a 2004 report, Social Impacts of Drought, while mental health, drought and climate change are discussed in The Climate Institute’s 2011 report (pictured below), A Climate of Suffering: the real cost of living with inaction on climate change).

There have nevertheless been some tangible improvements to the system. The severity of the 1980-83 drought was one of the drivers for John Kerin to establish the Rural Financial Counselling Service, the services of which have been lauded by the Prime Minister and his Ministers over the past few weeks.

Only in ‘Exceptional Circumstances’

From 1997 to 2012 the key term used was not “declaration of drought” but ‘Exceptional Circumstances’ (EC). This was generally described as (but not universally accepted as) “rare and severe events that farmers cannot be expected to manage for longer than 12 months, and which only happen every 20-25 years”.

Apart from anything else, this definition failed to allow for the fact that global climate change has altered rainfall and heat patterns and thus the frequency and severity of droughts.

Responsibility for declaration of Exceptional Circumstances fell to the Federal Agriculture Minister, but with the States retaining their own measures such as transport and fodder subsidies. Family support payments and interest rate subsidy schemes were re-birthed as the EC Relief Payment.

The cycle of policy review/dry times/political response continued.

2001 saw the beginning of a run of dry years, seen retrospectively as the Millennium Drought – “the longest uninterrupted series of years with below median rainfall in southeast Australia since at least 1900”.

The Coalition Government held firm for some time on the grounds that payments to farmers constituted ‘middle class welfare’.

The farm lobby led a successful public relations campaign and some $900 million was allocated to the EC program and household support was made more readily available. The Commonwealth spent $2.6 billion on interest-rate subsidies between mid-2001 and the end of 2011.

During this period the EC arrangements gained a poor reputation, with anecdotal evidence that many farmers who needed support couldn’t get it, some who got it really didn’t need it, and that poor farming and management practices were being propped up by government money.

Further reviews

There were further reviews of drought policy in 2008-09, with an Expert Social Panel calling for an increased focus on people, on preparing for drought, and for greater government support of community, health and mental health programs in drought-affected areas. The Panel also commented on the negative effects of a continual focus in the media on the existence of ‘drought’.

In 2009 the Productivity Commission again recommended the abolition of interest rate subsidies and of EC declarations.

The Millennium Drought started breaking across the country from 2009, before major floods arrived in the summer of 2011.

The EC system came to an end in 2012, with interest rate subsidies replaced by the Transitional Farm Family Payment (TFFP), paid at the Newstart rate and initially subject to an assets test threshold of $1.5 million.

The Labor Government introduced the Farm Finance Scheme (FFS), conceived as a rural debt relief package but increasingly used as a delivery mechanism for concessional loans to drought-affected farmers. It included $420 million over two years for concessional loans, funding for additional Rural Financial Counsellors, and changes to make it easier for farmers to access the Farm Management Deposit scheme.

After the 2013 Federal Election the Coalition directed funds from the FFS to the drought-hit states of Queensland, NSW and Victoria.

In January 2016 NSW’s Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal reported as follows:

In July 2014, the Intergovernmental Agreement on National Drought Program Reform (the IGA) came into effect. This agreement between the Commonwealth and state and territory governments aims to ensure that government-funded drought programs not only support farmers in times of hardship, but also help them adapt to and prepare for the impacts of increased climate variability and adopt self-reliant approaches to managing their business risks. (IPART, NSW Drought Program Evaluation Framework – Other Industries — Final Report January 2016).

Plus ça change. Linda Botterill, an authority on drought policy, has observed that the intergovernmental agreement on drought policy reform signed by all governments in May 2013 looks very much like the one agreed in 1992 in terms of both content and underpinning principles.

But the names continued to change. The TFFP became the Farm Household Assistance program (FHA) in 2014 – which brings us to the events of 2018…

• Gordon Gregory is a former CEO of the National Rural Health Alliance. Read his previous articles at Croakey. His next article will examine how today’s drought came rapidly to be a high profile public issue that governments could not ignore.

Today’s drought gets on the agenda

Note: This piece was first published by Croakey on 21 August 2018. Thanks to Jennifer Doggett who edited it for Croakey.

When politicians start wearing Akubras, you know that a rural issue has hit the political agenda.  But long before the Prime Minister donned his hat and moleskins to stand ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with Australian farmers, rural communities in drought-affected areas were speaking out about the difficulties they faced and calling for support.

So how did this drought progress from these local advocacy efforts to a high-profile, headline-dominating national issue that has attracted over half a billion dollars in aid for affected areas from the federal government?

In Part 1 of the ABC of Drought Gordon Gregory described the history of drought policy since 1971, and argued that “a rigorous and rational approach to national drought policy” remains illusory.

In Part 2 he examines how the current drought came rapidly to be a high profile public issue that governments could not ignore.  He explains that short-term expenditures of public monies to mitigate the effects of drought are unavoidable once the hardship being experienced by farmers, livestock and the land resource are on the public consciousness.

By analysing media coverage of the drought and in particular coverage by regional ABC radio stations, Gregory describes how, after many months of below-average rainfall, the current drought rapidly became a high profile concern.

This analysis may be instructive for any entities working to have their particular ’cause’ treated considerately by governments.

Gordon Gregory writes:

Sometimes the impact of drought is seen and felt in the major cities, as was the case when, on 8 February 1983, a dust storm spread over Melbourne. The Ash Wednesday fires in Victoria and South Australia soon followed, killing 75 and injuring 2600 people, destroying 9,000  homes, and killing 300,000 head of stock, including 250,000 sheep.

More often, however, drought is slow and creeping until it crosses some invisible line and takes off like an emergency flair to become a staple diet for a short time for most media outlets, as has happened in the past two months. Presumably someone is considering how social media, the new force in the fourth estate, has contributed to the existence, understanding and management of the current drought.

What got the current drought over that line?

On 28 March 2018 the Senate Select Committee on Regional Development held a public hearing in Canberra. Its witnesses that day included USQ’s Institute for Resilient Regions and the University of Western Australia’s Centre for Regional Development. There was no reference to drought or rainfall.

On 29 March the Prime Minister was interviewed by Rebekah Lowe on ABC radio Broken Hill. He had just been at the Royal Flying Doctor Service base to confirm the allocation of $84 million extra for the RFDS’s mental health and dental work.

What transpired in that interview was what might be termed a strategic discussion of water management in a dry continent: balancing environmental and irrigation flows, managing the Murray-Darling Basin, ‘water theft’ and management of water storages. Having previously been Minister for Water Resources the Prime Minister was well-equipped for such a discussion.

The interview then went on to discuss the Menindee Lakes and building water infrastructure such as the pipeline from Wentworth to Broken Hill.

“Wherever we can what we need to do in managing water in a hot, dry continent, is where we can possibly do it, we should pipe it rather than running it in open channels. Where we can configure storages so that they are deeper, then you have less evaporation. I mean we live in a big flat – by and large – dry, hot country. So we have got to be smart about the way we use water.”

This is the strategic, planned, cool debate about Australia and water: unemotional, devoid of very much focus on short-term human consequences.

It was the calm before the storm.

The drought gets personal – a chronology

9 April 2018

A NSW Government announcement was covered online on 8 April by ABC Upper Hunter’s Cecilia Connell. It referred to a new scheme to assist drought-affected families in New South Wales “as more than a quarter of the state deals with worsening dry conditions”.

11 April 2018

ABC online ran a story from the Central West of NSW by Tim Fookes.  This story described how farmers across New South Wales’ central-west were battling the driest period in at least a decade, along with temperatures up to 10 degrees above average.   

19 April 2018

Michael McCormack, Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the National Party, addressed the National Press Club and announced additional funding for Rookwood Weir, making the following comments:

“Water infrastructure and security is vital – vital for the livelihoods of not only agriculture but people in so many regional communities.  It is vital to the success of our farmers, our small businesses, and for local jobs in the region. Water infrastructure is vital for drought-proofing communities and flood mitigation, and there’s no greater example of this than Rockhampton and Rookwood.

Australia is home to the world’s best farmers; the most innovative, practical and most resilient on our planet, and they are the best environmentalists.  Without water, our communities cannot grow the food and fibre that our nation needs and the world demands. Let me tell you: we grow the very best food, the very best fibre in the world, especially our irrigators.”

8 May 2018

ABC Illawarra ran an online item from Picton, near Sydney, by Gavin Coote and Nick Rheinberger on a farming family on the outskirts of Sydney which had put the call out for people to adopt its cattle in a last-ditch bid to remain afloat during a historic drought.  The dairy farm at Picton in Sydney’s south-west has been in the Fairley family since the 1850s and is in the grip of unprecedented dry conditions.  Sixth-generation farmer John Fairley said he had never seen it this bad.

4-5 June 2018

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister (Michael McCormack), Minister for Rural Health (Bridget McKenzie), Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources (David Littleproud), Minister for Regional Development, Territories and Local Government (John McVeigh), and Assistant Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment (Mark Coulton,) visited Trangie, Charleville and Blackall.  They held doorstops and did radio interviews.

Shadow Minister Joel Fitzgibbon noted that the Prime Minister acknowledged that the climate is changing in a way which is challenging our farmers and our agriculture sector. “After five years in government the Prime Minister is using his drought tour to ‘listen and learn’. It’s as if drought only just emerged.”

5 June 2018

ABC television’s 7.30 Report aired the ‘Adopt a cow’ story from Picton.

7 June 2018

That invisible line has still not been crossed. On Sky TV Peta Credlin and Bridget McKenzie first discuss Barnaby Joyce, then the ice epidemic, and then the shortage of doctors. Then Senator McKenzie stated:  “We know we’re the most arid country in the world. We’ve got a $62 billion agricultural industry which really drives our national economy in so many ways. So we’re good at it. But we do know that we have these periods of drought and we have to have a sustainable model to deliver it.”

7 June 2018

The Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, the Hon. David Littleproud, released a statement announcing an additional $20 million in funding for farmer support services.

28 June 2018

The Farm Household Allowance extension legislation was passed by the Senate.  This legislation enabled farmers in drought to access a fourth year of the Allowance.

9 July

The Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources released a statement reporting that the government had held “Constructive discussions at drought round table“.  These resulted in an agreement to use the National Farmers’ Federation drought policy as a framework to move forward and to further discussions with the banks on Farm Management Deposit offsets

10 July

Grant Maudsley, AgForce General President, commented on the Drought Roundtable.  He stated that “collaboration between governments at all levels, the financial sector and primary producers will be the key to developing an enduring drought policy.”

29 July 2018

ABC Rural ran a story The big dry: ‘See us, hear us, help us’ reporting that farmers across New South Wales and Queensland are calling it the worst drought in living memory, with many facing ruin.

30 July 2018

The NSW Government announced an extra $500m in drought assistance for struggling farmers.  This brought the New South Wales Government’s drought assistance package to over $1 billion.

5 August 2018

The Prime Minister urged almost 20,000 farmers eligible for drought relief who are yet to claim welfare payments to contact a financial counsellor. The Prime Minister appealed to farmers to use the federal government’s Rural Financial Counselling Service to check whether they were eligible for the Farm Household Allowance.

6 August 2018

The ABC’s Chart of the day asked whether the current drought is the most severe in history.  It found that while this drought is severe it has not been as prolonged as the millennium drought — the longest dry spell in history, which saw nine consecutive years of low autumn rains, crucial for the southern cropping season.


“We’re another day closer to rain” said a grazier interviewed for ABC TV News at the Louth Races in Cobar Shire (11 August).

One can’t argue with his logic. And his attitude typifies the accepting, resilient and normally cheerful approach of farming and grazing people to the uncontrollable climatic situation they face.

Another common view of those who bear the brunt of dry times is: “We do not want handouts.” Short-term help will always be needed in dire situations but rural people, including farmers, do understand the vagaries of nature they face. This should embolden farm leaders, politicians, the public and the media to have the discussions and then put in place a national water management policy of which short-term emergency drought assistance is but a small part.

Where so many areas of policy are concerned, including health care, aged care, industrial change and the environment, we must continue to insist on approaches that are both rational and compassionate.

But a holistic approach is required and a balance must be retained. If  the management of drought is separated from other aspects of natural resource management, the challenge is made worse.

In short, there is currently too much consideration of ‘drought’ and not enough of ‘water management’. At every moment,  including in dry times, public policy should be dealing with water management in all its aspects.
In Part 3 of this series – Too much ‘drought’, not enough ‘water management’ – Gregory will argue that the problem begins with the separation of drought from other aspects of the management of Australia’s natural resources.