

adapt for use in a different purpose.

The Family Bed

I could not conceive of letting it go to the tip or even to the recycling shed.

On Beardy Street in Armidale, NSW.

Our children have a special relationship with The Family Bed.

Alpha feeding someone in Armidale.
Before –

Our French polisher friend agreed that it was very good piece – English oak, probably over a hundred years old – with elegant carving at the centre of head- and tail-board.

Tasteful carving.

But there is little demand for such items. It was too big for the modern market and style; the springs sagging helplessly (the mattress stiffened with large sheets of plywood underneath). And it was too high for many, especially young ‘uns.

I thought I’d lost it. But thanks to our friend Bill, it was repurposed in time for Christmas 2023.

My special thanks to Bill for the vision, ingenuity and industry – and to anyone else at the men’s shed in Hughes who helped him. For it certainly makes a lekker [lek-uh] two-person seat.

– and after.